CS371p: Week 10

Claire Zheng
2 min readApr 3, 2021

What did you do this past week?

I basically spent the whole week doing projects! In the first half of this past week (Sunday, Monday), I spent the whole days doing my Concurrency project. Despite starting early (over Spring Break), I still took up until the last couple of days to finish. The next 3 days (Tuesday, Wed., Thurs.), were spent completing the Multicore OS project. Then, Friday was spent doing Darwin!

What’s in your way?

At the moment, I have a lot of things I’d like to get started on early. While I don’t really have any pressing deadlines, I would love to get ahead so I could have a bit more free time this upcoming week.

What will you do next week?

I would like to start the next Concurrency lab (at least do a bit of it this weekend), familiarize myself with the new Multicore project, and also complete Darwin. If I can do all this by the weekend or the beginning of next week, my next week will be much freer and I’ll be able to have some more leeway in timing the completion for all my projects.

If you read it, what did you think of the Dependency Inversion Principle?

The Dependency Inversion principle is quite interesting — it is yet another way to ensure good design from the very beginning. I especially enjoy the pseudocode that they provide in all the papers, talking about initial design ideas, why they don’t work, and then fixing the problems. It helps solidify their argument and make the principles much more clear.

What was your experience of vector, copy constructor, and copy assignment?

While I had seen these constructor and copy assignment operator implementations briefly, I had never given it much more thought. I’m really glad we were able to dive so deeply into all the differences and fully understand the use cases and capabilities of these tools.

What made you happy this week?

The weather outside last week had been super nice — just the right temperature with a lot of sunshine. It felt really good to walk around and just enjoy the day.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip this week is that if you have a lot of assignments all due together, it’s really worth it to get some of them out of the way long before they’re due! That way, you don’t end up scrambling to finish towards the end.

