CS371: Week 9

What did you do this past week?
This past week, I was able to focus on the rest of my schoolwork rather than Allocator because I was able to finish it over Spring Break. It felt good to have it out of the way, because now I could try and catch up on the work that the rest of my classes needed.
What’s in your way?
Despite feeling like I’m starting things relatively early, I still feel like I am not as ahead as I’d like for some of my assignments. This upcoming week, I have a take home test due, 2 relatively sizeable projects, as well as a homework pset due, so ideally, I’d like to have the majority finished by the weekend.
What will you do next week?
Next week, I’ll hopefully have more breathing room once I’ve gotten a large part of the projects out of the way, and I’ll be able to begin on the OOP project #4 that will be released later this weekend. Ideally, I’d like to work on it throughout the week, but it seems like I should be relatively preoccupied with Multicore OS’s project as I’d like to make a greater contribution this week.
If you read it, what did you think of the Interface Segregation Principle?
I think it was very similar to the Open-Close principle that we read in a paper earlier this semester, and I really enjoyed the fact that it was all tied to the same principles that we learned, surfacing time and time again with every new article.
What was your experience of initializations, and vector?
While I did have some experience working with std::vector<> in C++, it was mostly a side effect of relating it to ArrayLists in Java. However, this week’s lectures, as well as completing the Allocator project, made clear the overhead and extraneous information I had ignored, such as explicit constructors, type convertors as constructors, and other such information.
What made you happy this week?
This week, I was able to have a nice long chat with a friend over dinner, and it felt good to connect with someone else like that and be able to express some of my opinions and thoughts with them, as well as catch up with our daily lives.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip this week is to stay caught up on lectures and homework! It’s always much better for me to get the things I can do done, and one important factor in being able to complete that is staying up-to-date with all the resources that has been given so far as to have a proficient understanding of the material.